What a wild few months! We managed to transport ourselves nearly 2000 miles with no major injuries or broken furniture. Driving across the country with a toddler and two cats is no joke, friends. Good thing all of us, including the cats, settled in to the road trip quickly and managed to have a great time despite the long driving hours and less-than-pristine motel rooms. The spectacular scenery and the smile of a little boy who pointed out the window and said “I see mountains!” for the first time in his life was pretty magical.
Car travel is not very conducive to my style of quilting, which generally requires a heavy machine and lots of space. I packed up the machine and most of my fabric and tools well before the trip, knowing I wouldn’t have time to get progress done on my big projects anyway. Chopped up between-packing time is better used for small projects that give the satisfaction of completion without needing so much real estate. Enter crochet! I learned how to crochet when I was pretty young, though never did it consistently for any period of time. I picked it up again a few years ago and fell in love all over again with the versatility of yarn and the kinds of shapes and textures that are possible with such a simple tool. This time I started out making little amigurumi animals for my son and my nieces, which I’m happy to say were well-received. I also wanted to crochet some things we would use in our new apartment: new dish towels, wash cloths, house-type stuff, so I picked up some cotton yarn which I have to say I LOVE SO MUCH.
I just haven’t stopped. Since we got here, I’ve crocheted myself a cotton beach bag that we use like crazy, and more fun stuff and animals. I’m pleased to say that a couple of these things are already available for sale in my Etsy shop with more on the way. It’s been nice to take a break from my big quilt projects, which are satisfying but do take quite a long time to complete. I’ll get rolling on those again soon, but for now, expect more jellyfish, and maybe even a few Pokémon!